Monday, October 24, 2011

Somebody's got to be poor!

I've often heard the saying that "Somebody's got to be rich; and somebody's got to be poor".  I still have a difficult time wrapping my head around that ideology because what it really means is there is a certain part of the population that will always know poverty.  They will always need.  They will always lack some basic fundamental that would make life bearable if not pleasurable.  It's those people that may choose other means of escape.  They may try to escape through drugs, sex or even religion.  They may try to even the playing field by taking from someone else to even the score for them.  The problem with that is that eventually, tomorrow comes...and they will still be poor.

I'm not a big fan of some of the rich, but it's not because they're wealthy.  It's because for some, in the course of them having every single physical need met...and in some cases, over abundantly, they lose their humanity.  Some begin to buy into the fact that they have the right to dictate what rights some other folks should or should not have.  They believe that because they are wealthy, they are somehow entitled to that wealth, and that translates them to being deserving if not out and out better than their fellow man.  This is not the case for everyone that has extreme wealth, but it is definitely true for many.  And I don't subscribe to that thought process.  I can't, because if I did, that would go against my own personal belief that we were all created equal in the eyes of God.

There are many people out there hurting.  I, myself am one of those people.  But if I wake up every morning with the air in my lungs and can give thanks for what little I have, then indeed, I am blessed.  Because to some people, I have a lot.  To some people, I have been given much, and to them, I don't know suffering.  I beg to differ.  My life experiences have taught me to try to rise above my circumstances and not become a product of them...unless it's going to enrich and empower me.

I've met some wonderful people in my lifetime and have yet more to meet.  I've also met some not so great people in my lifetime as well.  Some of those people had much and some of them didn't have enough.  I've met enough of both types of people to understand that people that seemingly have it all can be just as bad and self-centered as people that don't have enough.

My wish is that one day, everyone has just what they need.  No one has too much and no one has too little.  I think if the playing field were even, that would be one less thing that people would use to justify division and prejudice.  Oh I'm sure that we would think of another reason, but the lack of abundance or over abundance would not be a factor.

The characters "Crazy Tony" and Maybelline Johns are two such characters that don't have enough.  Indeed, they may not ever have had anything to rejoice about.  But as you capture a glimpse into Tony, you realize that he never had a chance at a normal prosperous life.  Indeed, you may even feel a bit sorry for him.  In the chapter entitled, "Another Piece of the Puzzle", you will be introduced to two people that clearly come from the "have not" part of society.

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