Thursday, May 17, 2012

Why is gay marriage still an issue?

Article published on The Examiner

One week ago, President Obama announced that he was in support of same sex marriage.  And right away, this sparked a debate that in some circles was deemed as yet another way of dividing our nation.  Still, can we honestly say that we were surprised when he made his announcement?  Wasn’t this the same president that was instrumental in abolishing the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” regulation that kept so many of the LGBT community in the closet while serving in the United States Armed Forces?  Some people may be of the mindset that this was a political ploy to obtain the support of the LGBT community since we are in an election year.  Others may say that this was an attempt to address an issue that would have been addressed anyway had it not been for Vice President Joe Biden going on Meet the Press to voice his particular views on this issue.

What I don’t understand is why in this day in age is this still an issue?  Why is it that you have certain members of society so hell bent in stopping the gay agenda…or at least the perception of an agenda if indeed there is one?  I don’t understand why it matters to social conservatives just exactly who has the right to marry or not.  Why is it so important to prohibit a man from visiting his terminally ill partner if he is in the hospital?  Why is it important to stop two women from uniting together in a civil union especially if the civil union has absolutely nothing to do with you?  Why is it so important to stop some people from having the same social rights as others in this country?

I guess that I am of the mindset that I don’t really care if you are conservative or liberal as long as your actions don’t impact my way of life or compromise my pursuit of obtaining a slice of the American Dream.  I don’t have the right to tell anyone how to live their life unless in the course of them living their life, their actions cause them to harm themselves or someone else.  And in that same vein, no one has the right to tell me what I can or cannot do because ultimately, what I do and who I love has absolutely nothing to do with you.

After all, if you are socially conservative, it’s probably safe to assume that you will not be getting an invitation to the wedding.  You probably will not be attending the reception and you most definitely will not be allowed to see what takes place in the bedroom on the wedding night.

Maybe it’s the term “marriage” that bothers the conservatives.  That’s possible although I’m sure that there is more to it…especially since presidential hopeful Mitt Romney doesn’t believe in civil unions.
I understand that we are entitled to our own beliefs respectively.  We can believe what is set forth by God and church and use that interpretation as a means to support our particular belief.  Man has been doing that for centuries.  Still, the one thing that people seem to forget is the greatest attribute of God…and that attribute is love.  We are to love not only those that love us, but those that don’t.  And that’s a tall order because many of the people that deem themselves to be devout Christians and conservatives have exhibited some behaviors that can be interpreted as un-Christian if not downright hateful.

I don’t think that it is for everyone to understand everything that occurs on this planet.  I don’t think that it is for me personally to understand every aspect of humanity as we move about in this world, nor do I think that it’s anyone else’s because ultimately, at the end of the day, I’m too worried about my own imperfections and defects of character even though I’m still trying to get it right.  It’s not for me or anyone else to say who should be allowed to do what in this nation. I do understand that you are entitled to believe what you want; just as long as your belief doesn’t adversely affect someone else.

So President Obama stated that he is for same sex marriage.  All he did was validate the lives of millions of people in this country saying that they matter.  And whether you agree with him or not…it’s about time that someone stood up for the rights of everyone in this nation because ultimately, that is what makes this country great.

J.L. Whitehead

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